Lead Scotland Parliamentary Reception 2025


Improving access to services which support transitions

Rebecca Scarlett, Senior Policy Officer and a group of disabled people will share our guide to accessing community-based adult learning.

Improving access to services which support transitions PowerPoint presentation 

Alyson’s speech

Ashleigh’s speech

Neil’s speech

Alan’s speech



Closing the gaps – learner pathways and transitions

Danni Phoenix-Kane, Learning Services Manager, will be joined by a Learning Coordinator and a learner who will give an input about adult learning journeys and transitions.

Closing the Gap – Learner Pathways and Transitions PowerPoint presentation


Have your say

Sarah Burton, Business Manager and Depute CEO, one of the key challenges which persists around learner transitions is the lack of choice and provision for people. If you ask your MSP for more opportunities and better transitions, what would you ask for?

Transitions – Have Your Say PowerPoint presentation


Digital Inclusion and fair access

It is Cyber Scotland Week! Emma Whitelock, CEO and Michael Chamberlain-Cove, Learning and Development Officer and a Sessional worker will talk about our work to extend the reach of digital skills training and key messages supporting people to stay safe online.

Improving access to cyber resilience PowerPoint presentation



We are incredibly grateful to the Scottish Government’s National Cyber Resilience Unit, Keegan & Pennykid and Network ROI for generously supporting our reception.

Image of the Scottish flag with the tag line The Scottish Government Riaghaltas na h-Alba   Logo contains no image just the title of Keegan & Pennykid Insurance Brokers.        The logo contains the letter 'n' in purple, pink and blue. With the heading of Network ROI and subheading, Together, we get IT.