Fife Befriending Young Carers


What can the project offer me or someone I am working with?

We enable young people aged 12 to 18 who have caring role at home in Fife to experience the same opportunities as their peers. Our fantastic Lead Scotland Volunteer Befriender’s can help provide support to young people that can improve their confidence and connection with their community.

The service aims to be flexible and as such will operate on a case by case basis, however it is anticipated that the support will be for 1-3 hours per week for a duration of up to 6 months.


How do I refer myself or someone I am working with? 

You can contact our Fife Young Carers Befriending Co-ordinators Natasha & Judith, by emailing  or call on mobile number 07733 942438. Please give your name, email and phone number so we can get back to you.

Alternatively you can get in touch by completing the Fife Befriending Young Carers Project Contact Form.


How can I volunteer to support this project?

We are always looking for more volunteers to support our projects. We have a range of roles that can suit your available time and experience. We can provide training, out of pocket expenses and opportunities to our volunteers which are as fulfilling as they are rewarding. For more information please see our volunteering page


Any other questions?

Please call head office on 0131 228 9441 or email 



This project has been funded by Fife Heath and Social Care Partnership and is in Partnership with Fife Young Carers. We are also very grateful also to New Park Educational Trust, Co-op and Cash for Kids for their donations.