A group of six adult learners improved their literacy and numeracy skills over 10 weeks supported by Barbara, our Moray Learning Co-ordinator and two volunteers.
“I have enjoyed coming to the group. I am more confident in using numbers and writing things down. I was able to recognize all the coins and I was able to work on improving my handwriting.”
Individual meetings were arranged with each learner before the group started to identify the skills they wanted to work on and to discuss and agree an Individual Action Plan. These covered a range of topics including improving money handling skills, telling the time, handwriting and spelling. The venue was the Robertson Resource Centre in Fraserburgh.
“Before I started the course I was worried that I would fail the assessments and that I would feel stressed with the work. I feel relieved because I proved myself wrong.”
Whilst the learners were in a group setting, they worked on the specific skills they wanted to improve and had the support available to do this but also had the benefit of the support and encouragement from their peers.
Using the Catching Confidence tool, learners reported increased confidence in being in a group, meeting new people, learning new things, using numbers, writing things down and reading.
“I now feel a lot more confident about learning new things.”
At the end of the 10 week period two learners achieved SVQ Core Skill Units SCQF level 2 in Numeracy – Money and Communication – Reading and Writing. One learner wants to continue with his learning and will receive one to one volunteer support to complete the three remaining Core Skill Units in Numeracy. Another learner will receive one to one volunteer support to continue to improve his literacy skills, working on reading, writing and spelling with a goal of writing out his own shopping lists instead of his carer doing it for him.
“I was able to do times tables and was able to keep my writing straight and it was a lot neater too!”
There was a Presentation of Certificates for learners at the end of the course to celebrate their achievements.
“I am delighted I passed my Assessments. I am happy with what I have been able to achieve and have enjoyed the course.”