Home » Organising Support at College
Elizabeth, who is a member of the ASN staff at an Edinburgh school, contacted Lead’s information service regarding Calum, a learner with cerebral palsy who was leaving school and progressing to college the following year. Calum was going to require a relatively complex support package and funding arrangement and his family were not sure who they could talk to about the situation, what Calum could expect or what he was legally entitled to at college.
By developing a dialogue with Lead’s Policy Officer through the Information Service, Elizabeth and the family were able to find out what obligations a college and local authority had to Calum under the Equality Act 2010 and what type and level of support he could expect to receive, as well as how support was supposed to be arranged and delivered under Partnership Matters. The family was also able to discuss with Lead any questions they had before meeting with the council and the college to discuss the support he would need.
Through a series of meetings, Calum was able to secure a support and funding package that both his family, the college and the council were happy with.
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