Home » Coronavirus Update Lead Scotland Services
Last updated 11/10/2022.
We are offering remote, outdoor and indoor meetings, risk assessing our activity.
- HELPLINE: Our helpline is open as usual.
- REMOTE: Staff members and volunteers can offer everyone remote support by phone, text, email, online and by post.
- OUTDOORS: Staff and volunteers can meet people outdoors, following these rules: If you feel unwell or someone in your house has covid symptoms, please cancel the meeting. During the meeting: we recommend keeping a physical distance, coughing into your elbow or tissue, use a hand sanitiser and wearing a face covering (optional).
- INDOORS: Indoor meetings (not home visits) are now possible with our staff and volunteers risk assessed on a case by case basis.
- HOME: Our staff may be able to offer an in-person home visit, risk assessed on a case-by-case basis.
- IT LOAN: Our IT loan scheme is open.
One learner said, “Having experienced Lead Scotland pre COVID and during it I think what you are doing is incredible.” We are doing our best, trying to deliver the best quality services that we can whilst keeping people safe. Thank you for your support.
Please contact your Coordinator about telephone or online support or call us at head office on 0131 228 9441.
We want to use our knowledge to help the public during this difficult time. We’ve developed:
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