Home » Have your say at Scottish Government Regional Events, February – March 2020
You may have seen an adult learning survey circulating on social media and blog from our CEO, Emma Whitelock, about why some disabled people who need more support to learn needed a louder voice:
click here to see the blog. The next phase in the development of the Adult Learning Strategy for Scotland is a series of Scottish Government Regional Roadshow events which will bring together regional adult learning leaders, practitioners and adult learners to have conversations about the emerging strategy.
Check out the details about these event and Eventbrite links below for further information about morning sessions.
We are encouraging learners who use our services to attend and are also reaching out to partners who may know other learners, volunteers and workers. We want to make sure that disabled people who don’t currently have access to adult learning opportunities can speak up about this to influence the strategy. In our experience some of the people who need the most support to learn have the least options which is unfair and is something we all want to change.
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